Dust, Dust and More Dust

With the 2023 SVRA dust season soon to be blowing strong, we can only hope that the dust control work completed so far has beneficial effect and that this year will be significantly better than in past years. We will know it isn’t when we see the dust in the air, when we can’t see to ocean from the Mesa, and when the air quality monitors tell us the air is bad for us. All the measuring and modeling may be good science and may prove a point. But we can see when the air is not healthy. Complain. Let the APCD know that bad air days are still not acceptable. Here is the link for complaint submissions:

Wear a Clean Air

button when you

attend public

meetings to show

your support for

ending SVRA dust

pollution. Make our

presence known to

officials who have the

authority and

responsibility to

ensure that the dune

dust problem is

solved. CCCA will

make buttons

available with this

Clean Air logo at


What Can You Do?

Stay informed. Educate yourself on the issues and facts. Sign up for CCCA Updates. Send email request to ccca3858@gmail.com , or sign up at meetings where CCCA has an information table. Monitor the air quality where you live and in your neighborhood; see Monitors and Alerts. Complain to the APCD on bad air days. Attend public meetings of officials who have a responsibility to get the problem solved. Speak out. Support candidates and elected officials who support protecting public health by fixing the SVRA dust pollution problem.

Mesa Air Facts!

Concerned Citizens for Clean Air